SAHAND: The 71st Youth Cinema Regional Festival

I was Jury judgment Committee in SAHAND: The 71st Youth Cinema Regional festival, Tabriz, 25-28 February 2025

Zero Auction: Contemporary photography of Iran

My Artwork in Zero Auction: Contemporary Photography of Iran, Smart Auction house, Tehran, 24-27 January 2025

An Introduction to Contemporary Art Photography

My Lecture: An Introduction to Contemporary Art Photography, 7th Isfahan film and Photo Week, 12 January 2025

The 7th Isfahan Film and Photo week

I was member of judgment committee in the 7th Isfahan Film and Photo week, Isfahan, 9-13 January 2025

Human Rights Day

My Artwok in Human Rights day: Iranian Contemporary Arts, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, 10 December 2024

Fundamental Concepts of Contemporary Art Photography

My Lecture: Fundamental Concepts of Contemporary Art Photography: Reflections of the book “Contemporary Photography and Theory”,Kerman 30 November 2024

Reinterpretation of a dream

Panel discussion: Reinterpretation of a dream: A Review of twenty years of Ali Ettehad‘s artistic career, with Dr.Kianoush Motaghedi and Masood Shahryari Negar Gallery, Tehran, 7 November 2024

Photography: Local or global

My Lecture: Photography : Local or global, 4th Green Frame(Gha-be-sabz) Festival, Ahwaz, 6 November 2024

Politics of memory and photographic image

I was advisor professor of Calotype (Photography magazine of Iran University of Art (IUA)),  issue 16: Politics of memory and photographic image,  October 2024

Artdoc: A reflection on the emergence of art-documentary photography as a genre

My lecture: Artdoc: Reflection on the emergence of art-documentary photography as a genre, 41th Tehran International Film Festival, Mellat Cineplex, Tehran, 18 October 2024

Zero Auction: Contemporary Photography of Iran

My Artwork in Zero Auction: Contemporary Photography of Iran, Smart Auction House, Artibition, Tehran, 23 August 4pm-27 August 9pm 2024

One work,One session

My panel discussion: The Fourth Session of the Expert Meeting Series:Marcel Duchamp/Man ray’s Dust breeding, from treasury of Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, TMoCA, Tehran, July 2024

Contemporary photography and theory

Panel disscution: Contemporary photography and theory, with collaboration of Mehdi Moghimnejad and Dr. Amir Nasri, Khanesh Cultural Institute, Tehran, 18 April 2024

Abstraction, Memories and Images

Abstraction, Memories and Images, My panel disscution about a video installation exhibition by Mohammad Parvizi “Call me by name?”, Second part, Rischee 29 art gallery, Tehran, 22 December 2023

The 18th Tehran Auction

The 18th Tehran  Auction (Contemporary Iranian Art), 12-15 December 2023, Agora twin tower, Tehran, Iran

My Artwork:

PIR ALAM, from Verisimilitudes project, Chapter Five: Divine Intervention, 100 *150 cm, Digital print on canvas,edition 3 of…

Memory, Memories, Images

Memory, Memories, Images: My Panel Discussion about A video installation exhibition by Mohammad Parvizi “Call me by name!”, Rischee 29 art gallery, Tehran, December 2023


I was member of judgment committee in HOMAM: 3rd National Festival of People with disabilities, Saba artistic and cultural institute, Tehran, 2-9 November 2023


I was advisor professor of Calotype (Photography magazine of Iran University of Art (IUA)),  issue 15: Photo-histography,  September 2023

The role of unconsciousness in contemporary art

Panel discussion: The role of unconsciousness in contemporary art, with Mohammad Charmshir and Dr. Bahar Sadeghi, Shamis art gallery, Tehran, 17 August 2023

9802 Photography Exhibition

The exhibition of final projects of some of my photography students BA 2019, Baghe Melli Campus, Tehran University of Art, 4-10 July 2023

the 6th Tabriz Art Expo

My artwork On stone pavement of Shiraz in 6th Tabriz Art Expo, Tabriz Laleh Park Hotel, 29 June- 2 July 2023

Book launch: The Persian translation of Contemporary Photography and Theory

Book launch and Panel discussion of my latest translation into Persian: Sally Miller’s Contemporary Photography and Theory

with Mohammad Parvizi and Pouria Jahanshad, Gilgamesh Pub, 28 June 2023

Contemporary photography of Iran II

I was planner and lecturer of “Contemporary of Iran, semester two: Iranian contemporary art photography”,10 sessions, Art Tomorrow Institute,Tehran, Feb to June 2023

The 2nd Mazaarat International Photo Festival 2023

I was member of judgment committee in the 2nd Mazaarat International Photo Festival, Mashhad, 10-21 June 2023

Within a hair’s breadth: Iranian contemporary photography

My introduction to the exhibition “Within a hair’s breadth: Iranian contemporary photography”, Apollonia Art Exchange Project with sponsorship of European Parliament, Strasbourg, France, 14 June- 10 September 2023

My latest book: translation of Sally Miller’s Contemporary photography and Theory: concepts and debates

My latest book is translation of Sally Miller’s Contemporary photography and Theory: concepts and debates.


Author (s): Sally Miller

Original title: Contemporary photography and Theory: concepts and debates

Translator: Mehdi Moghimnejad

Language: English

Subject(s): photography- criticism- interdisciplinary studies

Publication date :…

Contemporary Photography of Iran I

I was planner and lecturer of “Contemporary Photography of Iran, semester one: History of Iranian photojournalism and social documentary photography”,17 sessions, Art Tomorrow Institute, Tehran, June to November 2022

Photography of Iran in Twenty Century

I was lecturer of «Education course: Contemporary Art of Iran: photography of Iran in Twenty Century», 3 sessions, Art Tomorrow Institute, Tehran, August 2022

Home National Photo Festival

I was member of judgment committee of 1th Home National Photo Festival, Northwest Maskan Investment Co, Tabriz, 27 September 2022

Connectivity National Photo Festival

I was member of judgment committee of 2th Connectivity National Photo Festival, Communication and Information Technology Ministry,20 September 2022

The 16th Tehran Auction

The 16th Art Auction ( Modern and Contemporary Iranian art), 1 July  2022, Parsian Azadi Hotel, Tehran, Iran.
Untitled  ( from Verisimilitudes project,Chapter one: A long scattered day dream )
Digital print on canvas
100*150 cm

Staged photography in Iran

 Panel Discussion: staged photography in Iran, with Dr.Kamran Sharifi, Dr.Amir Reza Mafi and Ehsan Bagheri, Islamic Art and Culture Institute, Tehran, 20 June 2022

3th Kish National Photo Festival

I was member of judgment committee of 3th Kish National Photo Festival, Kish Island, 18-21 January 2022

3th Milad Tower National Photo Festival

I was member of judgment committee of 3th Milad Tower National Photo Festival, Milad Tower,Tehran,8-15 October 2021

Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art: Selection of International Photos

I was technical editor and Introduction writer of «Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art: Selection of International Photos» book, TMoCA publishing,Tehran, summer 2021

Photography and Spectatorship

I was advisor professor of Calotype quarterly: Photography magazine of Tehran University of Art (TUA),No.14, special volume: photography and Spectatorship, summer  2021

The 14th Tehran Auction

The 14th Tehran Auction ( Modern and Contemporary Iranian art), 12 August 2021, Parsian Azadi Hotel, Tehran, Iran.
My History ( from Verisimilitudes project,Chapter four: Found History)

28th Young Iranian Festival of Visual Arts

I was member of judgment committee in 28th Young Iranian Festival of Visual Arts, Tehran,31 July to 6 August 2021

The First Cultural and Artistic Festival of Artist Teachers

I was jury member of the First Cultural and Artistic Festival of Artist Teachers, Ministry of Education,Shiraz university, August 2021

10th Omid International short film and photography festival

I was jury member of photography section in 10th International Short Film and Photography Festival (Omid), Ministry of science,Research and Technology, Al Zahra University,Tehran, 26-19 July,2021

Vaghf 7nd National Photography Festival

 I was jury member of Vaghf 7nd National Photography Festival,Tehran, Iran,August 2021

The first national festival of Razavi conceptual arts

I was jury member of the first national festival of Razavi conceptual arts, Semnan art university, Semnan, 22 June 2021

2nd National Digital Arts Festival

I was jury member of 2nd National Digital Arts Festival,Islamic Art University of Tabriz, Tabriz,March 2021

Digital Arts

 Panel discussion:Digital Arts,with Ali Phi and Shabnam Rahimian, The 5th Annual Photo Exhibition,University of Tehran college of Fine Arts, Tehran,,24 February 2021

Photography and subaltern

I was advisor professor of Calotype quarterly special volume: photography and subaltern (Photography students society of Tehran University of Art), No.13, winter 2021

4th Blue Sky National Photo Festival

I was jury member of 4th Blue Sky National Photo Festival,Air Quality Control Company,Municipality of Tehran,4 January 2021

from Photography to Language, Literature and Authority

from Photography to Language,Literature and Authority:an interview with Mehdi Moghimnejad in Calotype quarterly (photography students society of Tehran University of Arts),No.12,Autumn 2020

Inside Photo

My artwork in:Inside Photo, photography group exhibition curated by Dr.Behnam Kamrani,Shamideh art gallery,Tehran,13-23 November 2020

9th Omid short film and photography festival

I was Jury member of Photography section in 9th Iranian students short film and photo festival (Omid), Ministry of Science, Reasearch and Technology, Persian Golf  University,Boushehr, 26-29 October  2020

In praise of the imagination: about Ahmad Aali and his art

My last article: In praise of the imagination:about Ahmad Aali and his Art, Poshtebaam quarterly magazine,No.5,September 2020

Art and language: phenomenological experience of Idea based art

Live talk: Art and language: phenomenological experience of Idea based art, with Dr.Behnam Kamrani and Dr.Reza Sojoodi, Iranian Artists Forum Instagram page, 11 September 2020

99: photography group exhibition

My artwork in:99: photography group exhibition,Curated by Fereidoun Farboud,Tehran art gallery,Tehran,19 June-19 July 2020

Dena art gallery monthly online auction

My artwork in Dena art gallery monthly  online auction,Tehran,May 2020

about Semiotics of Phtography

Mohammad Reza Shahrokh Nejad Interview with me about the translation process of Goran Sonesson’s book “Semiotics of Photography ” in Radio Tehran, Book Radio program, Wednesday, 4 March 2020,(IRST) 16:30

Tabriz Art Expo 2020

My art work in 4rd artworks sale,Tabriz Art Expo,Laleh park hotel,Tabriz,14-17 February 2020

Illusionism, Virtualism and Surrealism in Iranian Contemporary Art

My artwork in: Illusionism, Virtualism and Surrealism in Iranian Contemporary Art,curated by Farnaz Mohammadi, Shirin art gallery, Tehran, 24 January-25 February 2020

Kimia photography festival

I was jury member of the 3rd Kimia photography festival (Documentary photography of Iran’s mines), Ministry of Industry,Mine and Trade,Tehran, 8 January 2020

Photography and it’s resemblance to social movements in Iran

Photography and it’s resemblance to social movements in Iran: My interview with Nader Davoudi and Abbas Kowsari in Calotype photography Students magazine, Art University of Tehran,Vol 10, November 2019

8th 10 Days with Iranian Photographers

I was member of curatorial team for 8th “10 Days with Iranian photographers” exhibition , National Iranian photographers society (NIPS),Iranian Artists Forum,29 November to 9 December 2019

5th Symposiom of art in nature

I had Photography workshop in 5th Symposiom of art in nature, Māzandarān province,12-15 November 2019

Contemporary art photography

My lecture: Contemporary art photography, Idea cultural-artistic Institute,Tehran,10-11November 2019

Photography and Theory:A discussion about visual semiotics

Lecture:Photography and Theory: a discussion about visual semiotics, student photography association, Islamic Azad university central Tehran branch (IAUCTB),Tehran,21 October 2019

5th Ashoora Ritual Photography festival

I was Member of Judgment Committee in 5th Ashoora Ritual Photography festival,Bahonar university of Kerman,19 October 2019

Seyl-e-vahdat documentary photography festival

I was member of Judgment Committee in Seyl-e-vahdat documentary photography festival,Khoozestan province,Ahvaz, 10 October 2019

Rooyesh National art Festival

I was member of Judgment Committee in 7th Rooyesh art Festival (students artistic-cultural association of Iranian universities), ministry of Science,Research & Technology, Tarbiat Modarres university, Tehran, sep 2019

7th International Art for Peace Festival

My Artwork in 7th International Art for Peace Festival,Baroque art gallery,20 sep-4 Oct 2019


Second Annual Photo Exhibition of Mojdeh Art Gallery

My artwork in second Annual Photo Exhibition of Mojdeh art gallery, Tehran,30 august-6 September 2019

26th Young Iranians Festival of Visual Arts

I was  member of Judgment committee in Photography section of 26th young Iranian festival of Visual Arts,Ilam, 21-25 August 2019

A Few days in Between

My photograph in: A Few days in Between, a photo group exhibition in memory of Abbas Kiarostami,curated by Parham Didevar, Atra gallery with collaboration of Tirgan Festival, Toronto,27-28  July 2019

The 7th Shahr International Film Festival

My artwork in visual arts section of 7th Shahr International Film Festival,Mellat cinema complex,Tehran,17-22 July 2019

Tracking the Self

Discussion panel: A Interdisiplinary analysis on mixed media group exhibition “Tracking the Self: contemporary Routines project,3rd chapter” curated by Ali Miresmaili, Sayeh art gallery, Tehran, 17 July 2019

A Few Days in Between

My photograph in: A Few days in Between, a photo group exhibition in memory of Abbas Kiarostami,curated by Parham Didevar, Nabshi center in collaboration of Kiarostami Foundation, Tehran,21 June-29 July 2019

The First National Digital Arts Festival

I was Juror member of The First National Digital Arts Festival,Ministry of Science,Research and Technology,Art University of Tehran,Tehran,15-21 June 2019

New questions about Digital Arts

Discussion Panel: New questions about Digital Arts,with Morteza Ahmadvand and Dr.Azhdari,scientific conference of The First National Digital Arts Festival, Saba Cultural Institute,Tehran,15 June 2019

Variant Guillemets

Discussion Panel: About Alireza Ameri’s new poem book “Variant Guillemots”, with Ladan Niknam and Arash Nosratollahi,Baharan Interdisciplinary Institute, Tehran, 9 June 2019

9th Varesh International Film Festival

My artwork in participant photographers section in 9th Varesh International Film Festival, Mazandaran, Babol, 29 April-3 May 2019

Khorramshahr +30

My artwork in Khorramshahr +30,Group photo-installation exhibition, curator: Fereydoun Farboud, Farmanfarma Art Gallery,Tehran, 17-31 May 2019

The gap between parentheses

Discussion Panel: Interdisciplinary analysis of Hosna Shahramipour solo photo exhibition “The gap between parentheses”, with Dr.Hamidreza Shaeiri, Dena Art Gallery, Tehran, 26 April 2019

8th Iranian Students Short Film and Photo Festival (Omid)

I was Director of Photography section in 8th Iranian students short film and photo festival (Omid), Ministry of Science, Reasearch and Technology, Shiraz University, 28 April-1 May 2019 

Experience of Photography: Manifest Form, Latent Form

My Lecture: Experience of Photography: Manifest form, Latent Form,16th Qazvin Film and Photography Festival, Qazvin,24 April 2019

Contemporary photography: Reconstruction of Genres

My Lecture: Contemporary photography: Reconstruction of Genres,Isfahan Photographers Society,Isfahan,Iran,27 february 2019


My Artwork in Dame: Group photo exhibition, curator: Nazli Abbaspour,Negah Art gallery,Tehran,11-30 January 2019


My Artwork in Snow: Photo and Video group exhibition,Curator:Said mazinani,14 Art Gallery,Tehran,4-15 January 2019

Issues of education of photography at Iran’s universities

 Panel discussion: Issues of education of photography at Iran’s universities, with Ramyar Manoochehrzadeh and Hadi Azari,”The 3rd annual photo exhibition of university of Tehran” event, Fine Arts Faculty of university of Tehran, Tehran,10 December…

Personal view and our interpretations

My Lecture: Personal view and our interpretations,”10 Days with Iranian Photographers” event, Iranian Artists forum,Tehran,9 December 2018

Between taking and making photographs

My Lecture: Between taking and making photographs,Zanjan,6 December 2018

Concepts in photography

My photography workshop:concepts in photography,Alef International theater Festival,18-19 October and 15-16 November 2018,Tabriz

6th International Art for Peace festival

My artwork in 6th International Art for Peace Festival, Pardis Mellat Cineplex,14-28 Sep 2018,Tehran

4th Sympusiom of Art in Nature

I had a photography workshop in 4th Sympusiom of Art in Nature (I am still alive 2): Painting,Photography,Sculpture,New Arts, 28-31 August 2018,Mazandaran Province,Iran

25th young Iranian Festival of Visual Arts

I was workshop holder and jury member of photography section in 25th Young Iranian Festival of Visual Arts,Tabriz, 17-22 August 2018


WATER ,Photoart,Video,Installation,Audio,Printmaking,painting

Curated by: Jalaleddin Mashmooli 

Art works of:

Kourosh Adim,Mehdi Moghimnejad,Majid Koorang Beheshti ,Ismail Ghanbari, Amir Alimi, Mahmoud Maktabi, Hamidreza Ghiasi ,Omid Hashemi, Hoofar Haghighi, Siavash Amirirad, Farzaneh Fazeli , Fatemeh Shafee, Faranak Fereydooni, Mohammad…

Single Tree

My photograph in:Single tree:A photo group exhibition in memory of Abbas Kiarostami,E1 art gallery,Tehran,22 June-6 July 2018


My photograph in 228 photo group exhibition,Silk Road gallery,Tehran,22 June 20 July 2018

The 8th National Firoozeh photography festival

I was Juror member of  8th Firoozeh photography festival,Tabriz,8-13 May 2018

In Praise of the Real

My New Book: In Praise of the Real:selected texts about art and photography(2004-2014)(two volumes),2018,Pargar book publishing co.Tehran

Life is Beautiful

I was Jury member in Photography festival “Life is Beautiful”,The Epilepsy Society of Iran,Theme Gallery of Tehran, 16-23 February 2018

The First Iran-China tourism Industry development Summit

I was Jury member in Photography section of The First Iran-China tourism Industry development Summit, Laleh Hotel, Tehran, Iran, 18 January 2018

On importance and limits of theory in Iran’s photography

My Discussion panel :On importance and limits of theory in Iran’s photography,with Hamid Severi.The second Noghreh student photo festival, Art university of Tehran. 31 December 2017

The Second Noghreh students photo festival

I was Jury member of the Second Noghreh students photo festival.Art university of Tehran.31 Dec 2017-5 Jan 2018

Panel discussion:Education of Photography in Dortmund and Tehran Art University

My Discussion panel:Education of Photography in Dortmund and Tehran Art University: a comparative study. «10 Days with Iranian photographers » annual event. Iranian Artists Forum. Tehran. 10 December 2017

10 Days with Iranian Photographers

I was policymaking member of “10 days with Iranian Photographers” annual event,National Iranian Photographers Society(NIPS),Iranian Artists forum,6-15 Dec 2017

Cityscapes 2nd National Photography Festival

I was Juror member of Cityscape 2nd National Photography Festival,28 Nov-1 Dec 2017,Markazi Province,Arak,Iran

Staged Photography:Issues and Concepts

My lecture: Staged Photography:Issues and Concepts. 12 October 2017.Akasi Magazine.Tehran.

Ahmad Shamlou poetry Award

My book «The Rain of Jackal» is nominated for Ahmad Shamlou Poetry award as the best Persian collected poems of 2017.

5th Grand Festival of Art for Peace

My artwork in 5th Grand Festival of Art for Peace,Iranian Artists Forum,12-21 September 2017,Tehran

Aesthetics and Photography

My Lecture: Aesthetics and Photography,International congress of Astrophotography (TWAN),Tehran Polytechnic of Tehran,1 sep 2017,Tehran

Evolution: Freezing of the wishes

Evolution: Freezing of the wishes. My artwork in:

Ultra-mutation, a photo based group exhibition ,curated by Amin Shahed, ABAD art gallery,28 July-7 August 2017, Tehran


Ultra-mutation:An endeavor to representation of Bio-social concept of Evolution, a photo based group exhibition,28 July-7 August 2017,Abad Art Gallery,Tehran

Overexposed: In memory of Abbas Kiarostami

Overexposed: In memory of Abbas Kiarostami. My photograph in: A piece of Life|Homage to Abbas Kiarostami|77 photographs,77 artists|curated by Parham Didevar. E1 Art Gallery.July 2017

A Piece of Life

My Artwork in:

A Piece of Life:Homage to Abbas Kiarostami, 77 Photographs,77 Artists,Curated by Parham Didevar, E1 Art Gallery, 7-20 July 2017, Tehran

Vaghf 5nd National Photography Festival

I was Juror member of Vaghf 5nd National Photography Festival, May 2017,Hamedan,Iran

Qazvin 2nd National Photography Festival

I was Juror member of Qazvin 2nd National Photography Festival,3-6 May 2017,Qazvin,Iran

The 1st Ordibehesht of Jalali Callender

 My Artwork in The 1st Ordibehesht of Jalali Callender:a group Visual arts exhibition celebrating the great Iranian poet “Sa’di” at Hepta Gallery.Tehran.20 April to 3 May 2017.

The Rain of Jackal

My new book is published: The Rain of Jackal:collected poems(1994-2000)

The 7th National Photography Festival of FIROOZEH

I was Juror member of the 7th National Photography Festival of FIROOZEH,Tabriz,Iran,22-27 January 2017

Photography of today: New apportunities

Discussion Panel: Photography of today: New opportunities, with Dr. Masoud Motarjemzadeh, 10 days with Iranian photographers,Iranian Artists Forum,Tehran, 12 December 2016

My Artist Talk, Verisimilitudes: from personal consciousness to collective unconsciousness

My Artist Talk, Verisimilitudes: from personal consciousness to collective unconsciousness, 10 Days with Iranian photographers, Iranian Artists Forum, Winter Hall,11 December 2016

The First Noghreh (Silver) National Photo Festival

Jury member of the First Noghreh (Silver) National Photo Festival, Art University of Tehran,3-7 December 2016

Photographic Idea and Lived Experience

Photographic Idea and Lived experience: Discussion panel with Mehrdad Afsari.The First Noghreh (Silver) National Photo Festival.Art University of Tehran.Farabi Hall. 5 December 2016

115 Artists,115 Artworks

115 Artists,115 Artworks,Visual arts exhibition on the occasion of 115th anniversary of the birth of Noshirvani(charity). A big exhibition of the three Babol-based generation artists.Babol.9-14 December 2016

Photomontage and Contemporary Photography

New Course: Photomontage and Contemporary Photography.In the first three sessions of this course i will discuss about history,aesthetics,contexts and artists of most influential photomontage art works from old days to now. @no.6gallery

Contemporary Art Photography

My Lecture: Contemporary Art Photography,Hegmataneh Cultural Institute,14 November 2016

The 4th Art for Peace Visual Arts Festival

My Artwork in the 4th Art for Peace Visual Arts Festival,Iranian Artists Forum,15-26 sep 2016

Art and Anthropocene

My Art work in The 6th Annual Contemporary Arts: Art and Anthropocene (Participant Artists section),Niavaran Cultural Center,Tehran,15-23 April 2016

Digital Imaging and Photographic Representation

My last revised essay:”Digital Imaging and Photographic Representation”,Photography Magazine Quarterly,(Contemporary Photomontage Issue),Vol.1,No.2,June 2016

Visualizing ways of thinking: Ideas on Mehdi Moghimnejad,Verisimilitudes and construction of textual world

Visualizing ways of thinking: Ideas on Mehdi Moghimnejad,Verisimilitudes and construction of textual world,Hadi Momeni,Photography Magazine Quarterly,(Contemporary Photomontage Issue),Vol.1,No.2,June 2016

About Abbas Kiarostami

For the First(and maybe last time) I talk about Abbas Kiarostami’s photographs.BA_HAMESTAN Program.Jam-e-Jam satellite channel.IRIB.14 july 2016

Discussion about Urban Art

Discussion about the art event of Tehran Municipal in BA HAMESTAN Live Program.Jam-e-Jam satellite channel.IRIB.19 may 2016

Honar-Nameh TV Programe

Honar-Nameh: A brief review on my art 4 TV.IRIB.2 april 2016

The ends or The means: Trends of Photography in contemporary art

Lecture:The ends or The means: Trends of Photography in contemporary art,Arak photography society,12 April 2016

Kerasm National photography festival

I was Member of Judgment Committee in 3th Kerasm National photography festival,Evaz,March 2016

The First ChiChest photography grant

I was Member of JudgmentCommittee in First ChiChest (Urumia Lake) photography grant,February 2015


“Untitled”:Photography group exhibition,Ordibehesht art gallery,Tehran,15-26 Jan 2016

on stone pavement of Shiraz

My artwork in “Reality and Fantasy:A glance at the Iranian contemporary photography”,Mellat Cine-plex,Tehran,Jan-Feb 2016

The hard way of theory

The hard way of theory:Dr Afsaneh Kamran interview with Mehdi Moghimnejad about “Photography and Theory”,Honar Agah visual arts monthly magazine,No.3,Dec 2015

Art of the Digital Age

Art of the Digital Age

Author(s) Bruce Wands

Original title Art of the Digital Age

Translator(s) Mehdi Moghimnejad-Mohammad Ali Maghsoodi

Language English

Subject(s) Digital Arts

Publication date 2006

Publisher Thames and Hudson

Publisher in Persian Sureh Mehr

Publication date in Persian 2015

Pages 300


The 6th Firoozeh National photo Festival

My Membership in juror committee of 6th Firoozeh National photo Festival,7-9 oct 2015.Tabriz.Iran


Winter: Photography group exhibition,Tehran,Mohsen Art Gallery,12-23 Sep 2015

My Lecture:Contemporary Photography and Interdisciplinary spaces

My Lecture:Contemporary Photography and Interdisciplinary spaces

Tiva Contemporary Arts Foundation,Karaj,10 August 2015

Of Life,Art and Photography II

Of Life,Art and Photography II

Payam Hamzei interview with Mehdi Moghimnejad about his life and career (Second and Last Part),23 June 2015

Of Life,Art and Photography I

Of Life,Art and Photography I

Payam Hamzei interview with Mehdi Moghimnejad about his life and career (First Part),10 June 2015

Practice of the Theory

Practice of the Theory

A Review on the book Photography and Theory by Dr.Mohammad Khodadadi Motarjemzadeh,Art and Media visual arts Bimonthly magazine,No.5,April 2015

My Artist Talk

My  Artist Talk in 5th photo festival of Art university of Tehran,12 May 2015

My Lecture:Photojournalism Now

Photojournalism Now: A critical review on Andy Grundberg’s ” New photojournalism and the old ” after 30 years,Sheed Award 2015, Iranian artist’s forum,15.April.2015

Why should you read the Photography and Theory?

Why should you read the Photography and Theory

A review on the book Photography and Theory by Dr. Nema Roshan,

The rehabilitation of eye

The rehabilitation of eye

A review on the book Photography and Theory by Dr.Farzan Sojoudi, Shargh Newspaper,18 march 2015


my new book Discussion Panel: Photography and Theory

my new book Discussion Panel: Photography and Theory

With Dr.Farzan Sojoudi and Dr.Amir Ali Nojoumian

Charsoohonar Institute,13.Jan.2015

Child Foundation charity’s visual arts Auction

My two works from third chapter of Verisimilitudes series in

Child Foundation charity’s visual arts Auction

21.Nov.2014,Esteghlal Hotel,Tehran,Iran

A simple rendez-vous II

A simple rendez-vous II: A group photographie exhibition,Mashhad,Oct 24-31.2014

Neo-Traditionalism in contemporary Iranian Art

My photomontages form Verisimilitudes series in ” Neo-Traditionalism in contemporary Iranian Art”

Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art ,Oct. 16,2014 to Jan.9,2015

Photography and Theory

My New Book

Photography and Theory :structuralism and poststructuralism in photo-criticism: A comparative study



The book  “structuralism and poststructuralism in photo-criticism: A comparative study” follows two main purposes: First, finding the connection between theories around structuralism…

2nd Grand festival of art for peace

2nd Grand festival of art for peace,Iran Artist Forum, Tehran,19-27 Sep 2014


The group exhibition of Iranian contemporary artists,Niavaran Cultural complex,12-26 Sep 2014

Persbook art 4014

My Membership in Jurors committee of the 5th online annual contemporary art Persbook art.5-9 sep 2014

When we make the photos

An Interview with Mehdi Moghimnejad, Javid Ramezani and Dr. Mohammad Reza Sharifzadeh about 3th Portraiture annual festival in Shirian art gallery, 24 july 2014, Ettemad daily

The third Tehran Auction

The third Tehran Auction ( Modern and Contemporary Iranian art), 29 May 2014, Parsian Azadi Hotel, Tehran, Iran.
My History ( from Verisimilitudes project,Chapter three: The Cypress Tree line)
Digital print on canvas
100*150 cm



A group photography exhibition curated by Jalal Sepehr


Mehdi Moghimnejad| Shadi Ghadirian| Gohar Dashti| Ali Reza Fani| Mahmood Kashfipoor| Jalal Sepehr

21 Feb-5 march 2014| Silk Road Gallery| Tehran

By Iranian Contemporary Photographers

The online version of “By Iranian contemporary photographers” exhibition at Studio.Charchub website (Based in NY.USA)

add Interview with me as the curator of exhibition.

The Hidden Hands of God

The Hidden Hands of God

A Review on Mehdi Moghimnejad’s Divine Intervention exhibition at Mohsen Gallery

By Saleh Tasbihi

Aseman Weekly,Jan 2014,No.73

Art for Peace

Art for Peace

A group visual arts exhibition sponsored by UNESCO and curated by Solmaz Shaebani, Mohsen art gallery, 10-15 Jan 2014

Experiments in Collaborative Art

Experiments in collaborative Arts

An introduction to Rybon The first international workshop

In the early years of the twentieth century, a number of artists, mainly from Germany, decided to employ expressionism concept in an artistic…

Divine Intervention

Verisimilitudes,Chapter Five (Last Chapter): Divine Intervention

My solo exhibition at Mohsen Gallery, 6th-18th December 2013:

statement of the catalogue:

Divine Intervention like the other chapters of the Verisimilitudes Project is a sort of confrontation with…

Exposure and Privacy

Exposure and Privacy

My introduction to PIX photography quarterly  special Issue on Iran

the history of photography in Iran has established its lineage with the documentary form. As a powerful tool in the hands of every…

Art:profession,Vol 48,Autumn 2013

Art:profession (Herfe:Honarmand) Quarterly special Issue on Mehdi Moghimnejad,Vol 48,Autumn 2013


My history echo through my works: Ali Ettehad interview Mehdi Moghimnejad about his life and careers

Enchantment of reality: Considration of Moghimnejad’s photomontages,Kamran Sepehran

11 ways of…

By Iranian Contemporary Photographers

By Iranian Contemporary Photographers

Curated by Mehdi Moghimnejad

Kourosh Adim | Mehrdad Afsari | Azadeh Akhlaghi | Kiarang Alaei
Samira Alikhanzadeh | jamshid bayrami | Gohar Dashti
Arman Estepaniyan | Alireza Fani | Shadi Ghadirian | Bahman Jalali

Art photography

Lecture : Art photography

Isfahan Photographers center,Farshchian Hall,16.July.2013

Unseen Darkness

The human-animals: Waking up from a deep sleep

An introduction on The catalogue of Naghmeh Jahani’s photo art exhibition titled Unseen Darkness at Shokooh art gallery,2 -15 May2013

The embodiment of animals in the human’s notion…