Art:profession (Herfe:Honarmand) Quarterly special Issue on Mehdi Moghimnejad,Vol 48,Autumn 2013
My history echo through my works: Ali Ettehad interview Mehdi Moghimnejad about his life and careers
Enchantment of reality: Considration of Moghimnejad’s photomontages,Kamran Sepehran
11 ways of looking at the strange scenery: about a photograph by Mehdi Moghimnejad,Vahid Hakim
The silent presence of Dasein: For sake of the Verisimilitudes from Mehdi Moghimnejad,Mohammad Reza Aslani
فصلنامه حرفه-هنرمند،شماره۴۸،پاییز۱۳۹۲
پرونده عکاسی:مهدی مقیم نژاد